Saturday 14 April 2012

Dedicated To The Most Wonderful Woman In My Life, My Beloved Mother! :)

Assalammualaikum mak :)

You are the queen of my heart,
The best mother in the world,
No one can understand me as much as you do,
Whenever I'm feeling sad or super duper down,
I know you're always there for me.
No matter how hurt I am, by just looking at your face, suddenly it heals every wound in my heart.
Forgive me for every single mistakes that I've ever done to you,
Forgive me for every tears that you waste because of me.
Thank you for your doa, sacrifice and love!
Thank you for taking care of me when I'm sick.
Thank you for your motivation and advice that make me feel strong and help me to stay strong.
Thank you for everything! :')

You mean the world to me! I love you so much and may Allah SWT bless you always :') *hugs and kisses!*




15th APRIL 2012, 01:59am.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Favourite TV Shows!

Assalammualaikum :) Hey everyone! Since television is my best friend, so entry kali ni saya mau ckp pasal my all time fav tv shows! Haha. :D 


Character i like the most besides Fran, The Nanny is Niles, The Butler. He is so hilarious! The most unforgettable scene is, when he was pretending to be Mr. Sheffield and asked CC Babcock (his worst enemy!) to sound like a chicken! HILARIOUS! 



The main character is Adrian Monk. He is a private detective. He has a number of  phobias compound his situation, such as fear of germs. He is a brilliant detective! :)


The series follows four Halliwell sisters - Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Paige. The sisters are given the most powerful line of good witches in history and are known as The Charmed One in the supernatural community, whose prophesized destiny to protect innocent lives against evil beings such as demons and warlocks. Each of them  possesses unique magical powers that grow and evolve. 


Okay this one is on my top list! I just love Barney Stinson because he's funny and annoying! His favourite line is AWESOMEEEEE! and "... the.. wait for it.. LEGENDARY".


Love the music and the dance very much!


Zooey Deschanel is so cute thats why im watching this! Infact, her character make me laugh sometimes. But it is fun to watch!


The most hilarious shows which combine comedy slapstick and improvition without any script! The games are varies into many scenarios but i dont remember how much. The games i love the most are:

i. Ho-Down - 4 people standing side-by-side and takes turn to singing 4 rhymed song. The host gives a topic to be sung. 

ii. Props - A 4 people with 2 teams games. The host will assign a weird prop to each of team and the team has to make up something like an object according to the prop as many as they can do.

* Actually banyak lagi fav tv show ni. Tapi makas mau cerita banyak. Hehe. Thats all for now! Bye :))


11th APRIL 2012, 04:29 am

Wednesday 28 March 2012


asslammualaikum. hye everyone! :) today im going to write a little bit about my senior that i know hehe. mna tau ada yg berkenan :p

aziz lai: uisehhhh ni komander ni. jgn main2. haha. tp d padang kawad jak ba dia tegas. kmi gelar dia NABIL! hhaha. sebabbbbbbbb telinga dia macam NABIL. haha! jgn marah ahhh ajis lai :p dia ni kurus, lepas tu tinggi dan panjang. hehe. baik ni, suka budak2 lagi. lepas tu suka STALK FB ORANG! hahaha. bnyk perempuan minat dia ni. kalau d hostel nama dia jak di sebut! benanah teling sy dgr. grrrrr. haha. LOL!

martin: ni c tingtong. hahaha. martingtong :p kuat tdr! main game jak keja diaaaaaaaa! lepas mkn tdr. haha. muka nmpk baik, sebenarnyaaaaa penjahat nombor 1. hahaha. bahayaaaaaa ni :p kuat mengolok lagi. gila pny orang! teda nama dia kena sebut2 d hostel :pp low profile kali dia ni. wahahahahaha! minat chealsea. pfft~!

saifudean m borhan: peminat no1 arsenal! COYG la sgt. ahahahahaha. balik2 suru org p study. haha. baik dia ni. untung sepa yg dpt :p serius ni. haha. rabun lagi. kalau nda pakai spek, nda la dia nampak org jauh. hahaha! jgn marah ah chip! :))

azharuddin: ni lagi 1 senpai ni. balik2 suru org update blog. hahahaha. :p p dia ni baik juga ni. jgn main2 ah. komander ni. tp jarang sy nmpk dia d padang kawad. hehe. sibuk kali sma study. maklumlah orang pandai. hehehe. kan senpai? :))

sazali: prefer to call him along. hehe. kami punya komander time kawad. baik juga ni. tp kalau dia stress pandai marah. hehe. yg ni ada gf sdh. lawa gf dia ni. mata paling menyerlah. sesuai la sma bf nya. haha! since ada gf, happy jak dia ni. hehe. ada bakat menyanyi lagi. pandai lagi. komander lagi. hahahaahahaha.

nail cincai (nda tau nama dia): magician kunun dia ni. hahaha. tu jak yg sy tau. wakakakakaka!!!

notice ka semua lelaki kan? sebab sy nda brapa kenal yg perempuan. klu nmpk pun  sekadar senyum2 jak.

so to all my seniors aka senpai, do the best for your final semester. i wish you all the best! my prayer always with you guys. thanks for all the advice and support :) you guys are rock! thanks for everything! :D

12:10 AM
29 MARCH 2012


Tuesday 20 March 2012


love is a universal feeling. love towards parents, siblings, your love ones, friends, animal and of course Allah SWT. but im going to write the love that my family give to me. without them i may not be able to face the challenges that befallen on me. 

MAMA, i just want you to know that you are the biggest blessing in my life. and your love to me is the greatest gift in my life! im so lucky to be your daughter. all the advice that you gave me before give me a lot of motivations. mama, i love you so much. since baba passed away, you try so hard to raised 9 children. our life turn upside down. sacrifices that you  have to do is PRICELESS. alhamdulillah, we,ve made through the difficulties. and not to forget that Allah SWT helps us during those time. mama, im sorry for every single mistakes since the day i born till now, for every actions that hurt your feelings, forgive me mak. thank you for your doa for every examination. without your doa i am not be able to answer the question paper well. mak, you are the queen of my heart, and you mean THE WORLD to me! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH :')

AS FOR MY BROTHERS & SISTERS, thank you for everything. no matter what happen, we must stay together as a family. no one can ever separate us except Allah. "Blood is thicker than water".

BABA, you will remain in our memory. no one can ever replaced you. we miss you so much. I LOVE YOU BABA :')

not to forget, my TWO ADORABLE NIECE. mak cik teh niss both of you. tasya and eisya, you guys has brought joy into our life. both of you lighten our world. my prayer always with you both :') MAK CIK TEH LOVE YOU! :')

Ya Allah, give us strength to undergo the challenge. bless our life, soothe our soul, forgive all our sins.

3:39 AM, 21 MARCH 2012

Monday 6 February 2012

my story :)

it's been awhile i didn't update anything kan? hey! sy d uitm sdh. hehe. kehidupan d sini? bored as hell! mau tau kenapa? ni la mau bgtau ni. hihi. ni la kalau hidup surrounded with lot's of people. kalau d rumah, mmg happening gila. hari2 bising. suara budak, suara org tua pun ada. ni la kebaikkannya family member yg bnyk! hehe. bila d hostel, sunyi ja sy rasa. huhu. bukan tiada roomate, ada juga. tp jadual kami semua bukan sma. kadang2 sy balik dari kelas tiada org pun d bilik. tu la rasa sunyi sgt. bila sunyi, mcm2 la perasaan dtg bertandang. rindu jgn ckp la. if possible, setiap minggu mau plg rumah *mmg mggu2 pun plg. hihi*. perasaan takut lg 1 hal, mls juga mau dgr cerita hantu ni, tp kalau sudah dorg bercerita mcm mau kasi dgr semua org mcm mna lg mau tutup telinga?! haha. cintan cintun? setakat ni tiada. semua lelaki d sini PALSU-PALSU belaka. setakat d jadikan kawan tu boleh la. haha. belajar? SERONOK! hehe. lama sudah tdk belajar kan, tu la rasa best. sy paling suka kelas account. bukan pasal sy suka tu lecturer ah, tp sy suka cara dia mengajar. tdk kelam kabut. food? MAHAL okay! sya rasa 1 week around rm50 juga spend duit utk makanan ja! boleh gila mcm ni. haha. cuci kain? bukan FREE ah! rm2.50 sekali cuci, terus tu machine pandai sot2 lg tu. apa lg kamu mau tau? oh ya. transport p kelas? hari2 ber'rugby'! semua pun mau berebut naik bus! bikin STRESS! nama jak DEWASA tp otak mcm udang. haha. kalau semua line up mau naik bus, alangkah indahnya dunia :D tp apa2 pun bersyukur la nak drpd jalan kaki. haha. roomates? kami semua 1 kepala. alhamdulillah dpt roomate yg gila2. haha. yg paling penting dorg open-minded and sporting gila2! haha. classmate? semua pun best! hehe. satu kepala and satu hati. itula kami. hehe. semua pun tdk sombong and open-minded :).

naa, sudah tau kan? bah cukupla. malas sya mau tulis tlmpau panjang. hehe. be safe people!