Saturday 18 June 2011


hey guys! since today we celebrate father's day.. so i think i wanna talk a little bit about my father which i call BABA.. actually there's nothing much i know about hin.. he passed away since i was 2 years old.. i wrote based on what i heard.. my mum said my father is a calm and caring person *tp jaga kalau dia sudah sakit gigi or rumah semak.. hehe* but my baba is not a punctual person.. every morning, his job or duty is to send my sis and bro to school.. cuba bayangkan.. school start at 7am.. he woke at 7am or maybe almost 7 la.. one of my brother name azrin*i called him abg ajin* started to cry sebab takut kena denda pasal lambat p skola.. tp yg lain2 tu terpaksa la bersabar dgn kerenah baba.. hmmm what else.. oh ya, by the time he passed away, my lil bro azlan.. still dlm my mum's tummy.. time tu mama pregnant.. poor him sbb nda sempat tgk baba.. padahal beberapa hari selepas baba meninggal azlan pun lahir.. tp apa boleh buat itulah takdir kan.. we just have to accept it and move on.. by the time he left us forever, i was small. so i dont understand a single thing about what happened at that time.. i saw everybody's cry and some of them recite suarh yassin.. i dont know whether this is real or just my dream.. mama bawa sya p tgk jenazah baba.. then she asked me to kiss him for the last time.. but i didnt because im scared.. if its real i would regret it! i should kiss him.. :'( oh baba.. i really miss you right now.. miss you so badly.. if u were here, im the happiest person in the world because i have a complete family.. but like i said, i just have to accept the fact that you're gone and may your soul rest in peace and may baba's spirit placed among those who believe.. amin.. AL-FATIHAH.

This is my Baba.


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